My Story, So let me tell you a little about me. I have been heavy my entire life, I have pictures of myself in 6 grade and I'm heavy, not grossly but overweight for my age & height. I've lost weight several times with Weight Watchers, fen-phen and various other programs. I thought about taking this journey a few years ago but then didn't go through with it. I have 3 children, adults now. They are my life, if not for them I would not care about life, I would have no reason to do this. My oldest boy is my joy, a funny, loving, warm sensitve son, my daughter is my soul, a true reflection of me, she has a gentle independent spirit and I adore her soul. My baby boy is my heart, the celebration of the love I once had for his dad. His smile is a joy, it gets him in trouble but he's a sweetheart. Last year my son let me know his girlfriend was pregnant. so now I am first time grandma since april 25, 2008 I have a gorgeous sweet little grandson and in November 2008 my daughter will be having a little girl. DOUBLE BLESSINGS. This sealed my decision to start this journey again. On October 9, 2007 I told my PCP that I wanted the referral to the Bariatric program, 10 days later I received my approval to join the Bariatric Program at Kaiser. So now my journey begins.
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