So Christmas is past, and the New Year is upon us. It's been a crazy year. I have 2 new grandbabies, Travis is now 8 months and Isabella is 7 weeks! Of course Isabella pretty much slept through Christmas Eve, Travis was awake making an attempt to be interested in opening presents but more interested in climbing and tearing up everything he could get his hands on. He is a little comedian, he sure can make us laugh. Isabella is too small to do anything but cry and stare at us when we ignore her crying (which is never). She is finally gaining some ounces and starting to fill out her pj's. These 2 babies couldn't be anymore different but they are both so cute and comical in their own way. As for my 3 big kids and my "adopted" daughter (my DIL) they are another story, each so different its ridiculous. Joel is the arrogant, funny man, Melina is the old soul, serious and judgmental, Joshua is the angry soul but a sweetheart inside (tries to hide that) and Brittany is clueless, she's a happy camper, doesn't let anything get her down, she may shed a tear but then she's over it. I have a full house that is for sure. Never a dull or peaceful moment, but yet they can't understand why I'M tired.
Let's see why I may be tired, hmmm... I had major surgery 5 months ago, still haven't gotten my energy back from that, I don't eat enough to give an ant energy, I work full time, I come home to a crapload of people, including 2 babies I take care of every chance they get to cry for grandma, I have to make an effort to keep my home in some kind of organization or I'll go nuts. I have arthritis that won't let me be in peace, something always hurts and being in pain sucks the life out of me! I rarely sleep peacefully because of this same damn pain. and now with the cold my sinus' are aggravating me and I constantly have a headache, another reason I am drained.
I have to find a way of exercising, my weight loss is slow. I just made my 5 months post op and I should have lost approximately 50 lbs. but have only lost 43 lbs as of last week (weigh day is tomorrow). I am really disappointed about that, so many of my online buddies have lost way more than me in the same amount of time. I need to lose 23 lbs to get to -100! hard hard struggle. since last week getting strange pain right side, this week its a little more intense. not sure if gas issues or what. But onward I go, no turning back.
Christmas was good, the babies got alot of stuff. Isabella not so much cause she's too little to know anything. Travis got lots of toys and clothes. He's such a cutie. I did good too. From work I got a nice watch from Gen, gc to Starbucks, a NY calendar, and a beautiful platter. from kids, Josh had bought me the Wii Fit already, Joel got me sneakers, the Twilight book, the Katy Perry CD, starbucks cd and a starbucks mug in RED! awesome. Mellie got me clothes, 5 beautiful sweater in size L!!! 2 jeans and a couple of cami's to wear under my sweaters :) she also got me this beautiful watch I wanted it is the most beautiful watch I have ever seen, it's a Seiko, with 20 diamonds around the face, mother of pearl background and sapphire crystal inside. it is very expensive but when I saw it I just wanted it, so Mellie got it and I appreciate it very much. can't wear it yet needs at least 4 links removed, my wrists have always been small now it's ridiculous. I had a good Christmas Eve, Brittany's parents came over for dinner, then me, the kids and babies watched movies then opened gifts. I have the New Years weekend off too, 4 days off, YIPPEE!
So next week if my 6 months post op check up, I'm concerned about my labs. I know I haven't been eating properly and I don't always remember to take my vitamins, so I am praying I am not deficient in anything. I decided to go back to fitday.com and track my food for 2 weeks so I can take it to the nutritionist instead of sitting there trying to guess what I am eating when she asks me.
So that's it for now. I will post some pics from Christmas sometime this week.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
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