Wednesday, June 3, 2009

JUNE 1 - Wedding is over!

so the wedding has come and gone, pretty quick. I managed to fit into the dress thank God for losing 10 lbs since I ordered the dress, cause the swelling would have done me in. but I got a bra bustier and a panty girdle thingy and I was totally uncomfortable but I dealt with it :) enjoyed myself and was so grateful I looked decent in the pictures. here is one, i will post the rest to my albums. I'm a Bridesmaid :) today i was supposed to go back to work but I didn't have the energy to do it, i had to go to dr. to get a cortisone shot for my hip pain, then they decided to give me a tetanus shot, so now my right hip and my left arm are hurting UGH! and i'm also still having surgery pain, I know it takes time but since I have to go back to work I need this ache to be gone. I had to squeeze into my jeans today and it was so uncomfortable. i guess i will need to deal with it while I commute to work and then pop the jeans open while I'm sitting at desk. so now that is hurting me more cause I was squished :)~ == watching tv now just trying to relax and get it together, try to feel better. I didn't eat today until til almost 1:00 pm I think that didn't help my feeling yucky. got to take better care of myself, my blood work came back bad still and not eating properly isn't going to help that. anyway home stresses are not helping either. there's just alot of snowballing going on and it's taking me with it. ugh! too much stress isn't good for recovery, praying for some relief very soon. :) That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps! Stay Strong! Judy

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