June 26, 2008 *HELLO* Woohoo closer and closer, I am realizing it's like 3 1/2 weeks away. Wow I never wanted weekends to end so fast as now cause each weekend ending means another week starting and I am getting closer. Tomorrow is weigh day, at home, and at group, I haven't been bad so I am praying the scale cooperates. Its so stressful to keep this weight off, because it can creep back on so easily.

It's been a long long day. I spent the night with Mellie and then today we got up and went to her OB appt. she's doing good and Bella is fine. I went to work after that. I hate getting to work late I feel so disoriented when I get in late. I was crazy busy because there were a bunch of emails waiting for me. I stayed at work until almost 5:30 since I got there at 11:45. I didn't get lunch because everyone went to lunch and forgot to ask me if I wanted anything so I had a protein bar, yogurt, string cheese and a plum for lunch. Mellie had made me 2 scrambled eggs for breakfast so at least I wasn't starved. I was starved by the time I got off bart so I bought a hotdog and ate that, then came home and had some chicken. I just inputted into fitday and I was good to go! tomorrow is weight day.
I'm chilling here with mellie at my house, I took a vicodin at the bus stop because I'm tired of this headache and now I keep nodding off, I'm exhausted. it's almost 10:00 and that would be early for me but I may have to hit the sack. Last night at Mellie's I went to bed at 11 but since there was no noise, no kids, no dog, i slept through the night without any bothers. It's not only 3 1/2 weeks to surgery day crazy, when Nancy called it was 5 weeks, now it's getting shorter and shorter. I can't even believe that this is going to happen. I gave David the catastropic request form for me and he approved it, now I have to figure out how to get it processed. so i'm getting ready for sleep now. by the way I haven't heard from my "patient" Maria, I'm supposed to be her Angel for her surgery tomorrow, I'm worried it's odd. everyone been emailing congrats online she hasn't answered and nothing. oh well will see if her family person calls me to give me the update.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
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