HAPPY 4th of JULY!!! GREAT DAY I HAVE IT OFF. The best thing is that I lost 2 pounds this week and I hit the -30 pounds lost today. WOOHOOOOOO. the no carb/low carb worked, gave me a drop not a whole lot but great. not doing much today just chilling at home, didn't sleep much. I am gonna weigh myself again on Sunday, because I started the new diet on Saturday, so I'm gonna weigh after 1 full week. So nothing much happened this week, started my new diet, did alot more walking. I am prayerful about my surgery and recovery. It looks like I won't be going to NEW YORK and I'm pretty devastated about it, I really needed that trip for me and for my sis. She is having such a hard time and I wanted to be there in person to help her out, take her to church and just be there to hang out and talk. She can't afford it and I definitely cannot afford food, let alone a plane ticket. So I will be home for a month and I'm not looking forward to it, the only thing that would help would be if at least I got to spend some time with Travis but the kids are being a little selfish with him, so who knows. Joshua has insisted that I am obssessed with my very 1st grandchild, his son, and tries to keep him away from me, something that is tearing my heart apart. But Travis is his son and I can't do anything about it. I am grateful though that mellie is having a baby and I know she won't be that way with me.

Well, I couldn't sleep for some reason, went to bed at 1:00 a.m. and of course woke up several times for the br visits. Was thinking about the time when I saw daylight and then my alarm went off, I couldn't figure out what was happening then I realized it was Friday! duh! got up at 7 when I couldn't fall back asleep. and here I am! blogging! already hit myspace, obesityhelp and emailed happy 4th's to everyone. Next stop group email lots of them waiting there. I love that group. Sometimes it gets intense and some folks get to bossy that's why some people have left and gone to the other group, but for the most part, most of the people are wonderful, sweet loving women (not many men, got to catty for them) who care and just want the best for all of us. I was Maria's angel when she had her surgery last week and I just love her attitude. I think though that my new "assignment" Amy is the most wonderful person I've met, she is such a sweet person. I wish she lived closer because I can feel we'd be friends, what endeared her to me was when she was upset and called me, I felt so honored, then she called me yesterday to chat and that was so sweet. she has 4 kids and they are beautiful so cute! anyway her surgery is Tuesday, I'm her Angel and I can't wait for her to get to the other side.

So we'll see how the rest of the day goes. I'm about to have my 'breakfast' cottage cheese and yogurt, cause I haven't gotten to the supermarket so I don't have anything here that is 'safe' for me. gonna have to eat a hotdog for lunch, maybe some chili, if I get to market later then I'll be loading up on my proteins for the week. Oh, my vitamins, my protein powders already shipped out!

That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
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