Thursday, July 31, 2008
JULY 31, 2008 - 8 DAYS POST OP
So it's finally 8 days post op. I weighed myself yesterday and even with the swelling and having my cycle I lost 10 pounds this week!! I been actually feeling pretty good I can't really complain. a little ooh's and ouches but that is expected after all I had major surgery. yesterday I went out for the first time and I started feeling clammy and not good so I came back home. Turns out that I may not be having enough calories, cause I asked the group and alot of them said I need to try and eat some more.
I actually got to sleep last night for 5 hours straight and then for about another 1 1/2 hours so I felt good today. Did alot of organizing and arranging stuff for my room, did my laundry and even walked Suzie. I did pretty good. I ate cottage cheese w/jam 3 times, soup 2 times, jello 2 times, a little protein shake cause it tasted awful, then I got a little bit of that yucky feeling again cause I needed food, so I had Josh buy me some string cheese I had 2 of those 1 with some soup each time. So I'm hoping that it helps me feel better to get a little extra protein. However, I did eat the 2 string cheeses without any problems, i had to chew it carefully and to mush but it landed well! Yesterday while getting in and out of car I felt little stings or tugs inside that were painful so I gather it was the inside of my incisions healing and tightening today I didn't feel it. I spent a lot of time with Travis and I did okay, I get tired faster cause I can't hold him the way it's comfortable cause I don't want him to kick my tummy but I got to babysit him and I am happy about that cause I miss him and I leave next week I won't be able to see him for 2 weeks. I can't wait in 1 week I leave for NY, at this time next week I will be on plane. I just hope my dr. releases me to eat more foods cause I miss eating something besides liquids. Right now the only thing I have to chew is cottage cheese and string cheese and come on how much chewing is involved in eating that. I can't wait to see how much I lost next week! My stomach is going down, my incisions are closed and look like they are healing well. the only one that still has the tape is the largest of the 6 incisions I guess since it's larger it takes longer to heal. but no problem it's only pinching me a little bit sometimes. I just want my left side to strengthen up so that I can sleep. The past week I haven't been able to sleep cause my left side is uncomfortable. I'm not sleepy until late and then I couldn't sleep, I can't even nap, except today I napped for about 1/2 an hour.
anyway off to bed, gonna try and sleep. tomorrow is melina's first lamaze class and I'm gonna try and go with her. hopefully I will feel okay to do it but anyway it's at the hospital so if I don't feel okay I'm in the right place. Right now the only time I feel odd is when my blood sugar drops and I need to eat, so I just have to avoid that. good night
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
Sunday, July 27, 2008
JULY 27, 2008 I'M A LOSER, Finally!
Good morning all, well it's been 4 days now it hasn't been a picnic far from it, i had a rough couple of days but today is the Lord's day and I am so grateful to be alive I can't complain. Today is day 4 and I'm doing pretty well. i had a hard time sleeping cause I can't quite find my spot but i managed to get some sleep and I will survive with my naps.
Today I woke up with less discomfort and I changed into one of my snazzy nightgowns (thanks Sharon)cleaned my room a little and I'm trying to keep a positive attitude cause I know that will help me feel better.
so far today my menu has consisted of van. pudding, chamo tea and water. I decided i am not overdoing it because yesterday i started with jello tea and water and felt pretty good but in the afternoon i had isopure, water, jello and homemade chicken broth and it ruined my afternoon and night. i had to literally lay down from about 3:00 until this morning in order to try and relieve the discomfort, and maybe sleep through it.
today I woke up with no discomfort but now have a little from the moving around and eating but put on a heating pad and should be feeling better soon. I know everyday will be better so that's all I can do is hope for the next day.
let me tell all of you something particular, i don't know if you remember that I mentioned I get panic attacks. when i went in for my endoscopy but in december I had one when the nurse was going to put the mask on me. so i told my surgeon that i needed something to help me calm down before everything started. well they called me back to the preop area and started with the talking, iv's prep, shots etc. and I was pretty good. my stomach was nervous but also still having noisy issues from that wonderful prep stuff. anyway, when they said lets go and i got up to walk to OR, i said goodbye to my kids and walked straight back there walked in and waved hello to everyone inside! laid my butt down, the anesth guy said here we go and then I was awake in recovery. GOD IS SO GOOD, if you don't know it, you should find out! I woke up in recovery again no anxiety, no crying. I was relieved it was over. and it only took exactly 2 hours, actually a little less. anyway i just wanted to mention this because I am a worrier, i need everything written and drawn out for me before I do anything, and I was preparing for anxiety, I thought this is gonna freak me out and I'm gonna pass out before they come near me. BUT God covered me, the love and support of everyone covered me and I didn't freak out. I surprised my own self.
I haven't been on my pc since Tuesday, my posts have been through my blackberry but today I felt well enough to get on here and post something substantive to let anyone who is waiting to do this know what happened to me. Is it painful, duh! yes! even with drugs. scarey? sure it's major major surgery even if all you see are tiny little bandaids. all you want is to sleep and i can't even count how many nurses and shots i went through. the scariest part was the vomiting of the yucky stuff, scarey cause I thought oh Lord if this continues they have to go back in and check, I will be 1 of the few who has problems. NO! I refuse. i am gonna be okay, once the nurse checked the blood and told me it's old don't worry i said okay. good to go. of course when you are doing an exorcist all over yourself it's hard to believe that it's gonna be okay but what else can we do but have faith in the people who are caring for you. Let me tell you something else, for all the "bad press" Kaiser HMO gets, I got nothing but 100% care. from the moment I checked into admitting from the moment the guy put me in the car. they were nothing but caring and sweet to me. I would suggest though that the perfume on the nurses be toned down, that was killing me!!!! I wish I could tell somebody that part. they'll probably send me a survey, I hope. anyway. if you are waiting. keep pushing for yourself. the past 4 days have been a learning curve, I have had it in my mind "what was I thinking" all this to lose weight?? for heavens sake. no way I am having PS, I don't care I won't put myself through it again unless the extra skin is a problem for my movement or sanity, or health. For now, I am done. I am sticking to my diet to the letter, walking my butt as much as I can but not gonna stress about anything. I will do what I am supposed to do, ask questions when I'm not sure and continue my journey as a loser the best way I have been taught.
BTW for all my fretting I was 8 lbs under goal on surgery day. what a relief!! but I wasn't even worried about it cause I knew I was down enough.
That's All For Now! Be Blessed In all Your Steps
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
JULY 22, 2008 - Well it's here. Tomorrow is the big day. Today is pretty sucky cause I am not feeling well and in a little bit I will have to take the cleansing stuff and I'm not looking forward to that part. It's been a long time coming but I guess not as long as it has been for some. For me it's been 9 months since the referral was submitted to surgery day. I still can't believe it's tomorrow already, WOW. It seemed like forever when Nancy called and told me July 23rd, that was 5 weeks ago and now it's here. I am going to take the cleaner in about an hour or so. just want to get it over with. I am not in the writing mood. maybe tonight, if not then I will come on and write when I get back from hospital.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
JULY 15, 2008 - 8 DAYS TO GO

That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
Monday, July 14, 2008
JULY 14, 2008 - 9 DAYS TO GO!!

The day is almost over and I am soooo glad. I am exhausted. and I'm hungry. don't know why I ate, not a whole lot but I had the atkins shake for breakfast. then turkey and cheese for break, then some chicken, steak and salad for lunch. I just had a boiled egg at 3:00 cause I am hungry. No clue why, only thing could be cause I didn't start the day with protein and fill up, so now i'm starving. well all i can hope is that it helps me lose weight.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
JULY 13, 2008 - 10 DAYS TO GO!

So I emailed my BFF Ivonne about my trip to NYC and she just emailed that she is crazy excited and that she is getting married on Aug. 8th. I emailed her back to see what's up maybe I can be there. Will have to talk to Jean and see if she can take me. Jean and excited to see me and I am double excited to see her too. This all is a blessing for sure. Jean is sicky with shingles (adult chicken pox) but she should be better by the time I get there.
So today i weighed myself and I am up 2 lbs. go figure, this week down to the nitty gritty, lower calories/carbs and a little extra walking cause I don't have much time and I have to stay under weight. I kinda packed my hospital bag and I also put stuff in there to go stay at mellies for a couple of days. then when I come back from Mellies I have to pack for my trip, exercise everyday, eat right, take vitamins and start my routine of learning how to eat. I just started taking my iron pills, finally, new calcium and new multivitamin pills and they sure make me feel full. I am good to go. just waiting and counting the days. I may take a walk a little later with suzie (my furball) hopefully the weather will cool down.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps! Stay Strong! Judy
Thursday, July 10, 2008
JULY 10, 2008 - 13 DAYS TO GO!

I'd like to visit the city but back where I used to live on 125. so we'll see how that goes. and of course, I want to see Ivonne but since this trip is on Jean's dime it will be up to her what we do. and I don't think I can be going crazy traveling the city so soon ater surgery. we'll see.
I know that my life as I know it will change in 13 days. tomorrow is my pre-op appt. I got my period yesterday so I'm praying it doesn't affect my weight loss too much, especially with that scale at Kaiser being off. I have some cramps so I know theres a little stall going on inside so I been drinking my water of course and had some regular green tea to help as a diuretic. let's see if it helps. All in all it's going good. I haven't been walking as I should but I am so tired, I will walk this evening cause I have to leave work and go to post office before I hop on bart. tonight might walk again cause if mom is complaining I will take suzie out. so we'll see.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
Friday, July 4, 2008
JULY 4th, 2008/ P.M. - 19 DAYS TO GO

here it comes, they offer me pizza, just a little I decline tell them I can't have breads (by the way against some of the wishes of the folks i made them decline the table bread!!!) they did me that favor!
Suddenly I looked at the pizza and I felt it, I was emotional and I was feeling the loss of the food on the table (I'm tearing up this second). I said I'm never gonna eat like I want again. and I know yes I can have pizza, it's not the same, you all know what I mean. I'll never have pizza with gusto, I'll never have ham & cheese from the deli on warm fresh bread, fluffy soft bread, I'll never have white rice that is a full cup of rice. even the dang salad I ate at Pizza Kitchen is too large for me ever to consume the whole plate again. I KNOW I KNOW that's the point, thats what got me here.
I sat ate my entire salad and while I was eating i was just going through my mind "what am I doing? what was I thinking?" anyway we're done we go back to work. I don't think about it again, except now when I was standing at the corner with doggie, thinking about having to walk after surgery, I started thinking about it, it hit me again. The wave of emotion that my "real" eating days are over. I don't use food for emotional eating, that's not it, but when I eat something special if I wait and wait and put aside some $ to go eat out I enjoy the meal. of course I thought when I get back I have to write to my group cause I'm sure all of them have gone through this.
It was like when i was talking about being small, going under 146 lbs. and it being scarey to me. I've never been that thin except for that 1 time when I did WW before in 1990. I have pics when I was 9 yrs old I am already heavy. so the thought of being small and staying that way instead of immediately gaining it back is scarey.
anyway sorry this is way too, too long, i'm not sad or anything, i don't let things get to me, i think about it and then let it go, I think I'm thinking about it more now cause it's getting close. only 2 full weeks to go, and I can't even go out and enjoy a good meal because I'm scared to death to gain weight. i was laying in bed this a.m. thinking about the surgery and what I was about to do. the entire process, the morning the trip the waiting for surgery, the recovery, etc. okay so i am gonna just continue breathing deep.
That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps!
Stay Strong!
JULY 4th, 2008 - 19 DAYS TO GO

That's All For Now - Be Blessed In All Your Steps! Stay Strong! Judy
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
JULY 2, 2008 - 21 DAYS TO GO

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